Principal's Message
Hello Seahawks,
This is Dr. Robert Rasmussen with the OVHS Weekly Update. I hope you are had a warm and sunny weekend!
There will be school this week Monday through Friday. Monday will be a Traditional Bell Schedule with Periods 1-6. Tuesday and Thursday will be an Odd Block Schedule with Periods 1, 3, 5, and 7. Wednesday and Friday will be an Even Block Schedule with Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7. Please visit the OVHS website for more information about this week's bell schedule.
This month we celebrate Women's History Month. Throughout the month of March, we will be recognizing the achievements of women throughout our nation's history.
Attention Seahawk parents, if you know ahead of time that your student will be absent for up to 16 days, please call the attendance office in advance so we can set up an Independent Study contract. Independent Study allows the student to continue to complete their coursework during their time of absence. It also allows the school to continue to collect ADA, average daily attendance, which helps the school continue to fund its programs.
Hey Seahawks, it is always important to do your best and earn passing grades. For every class you take each semester you can earn you 5 credits. You need a total of 220 credits to graduate high school. If you are struggling in any of your classes, please make sure to ask your teacher for help. AVID tutors are also available to help everyday at lunch and online tutoring through is another great resource.
As some of you may heard, we will be implementing a revised Technology Use Policy shortly after we return from Spring Break. Students will not be permitted to use their cell phones or any other technology device during class without their teacher's permission. Students will be required to store their phones and other devices during the entire class period. Students will be permitted to use their devices before school, during the break, at lunch, and after school. I am hopeful this change will help to minimize the needless distraction that these devices create in the classroom.
This past Friday, OVHS experienced a temporary power outage shortly before 2pm. While the outage was a minor interruption at end of our school day, I want to thank all of our students and parents, and staff for remaining calm and waiting for directions for dismal. I am happy to report that power was restored by 3:30pm and normal school operations continued.
That's all for me Seahawks! I hope you have a terrific week! And remember, you can't spell lOVe without OV!
There will be school this week Monday through Friday. Monday will be a Traditional Bell Schedule with Periods 1-6. Tuesday and Thursday will be an Odd Block Schedule with Periods 1, 3, 5, and 7. Wednesday and Friday will be an Even Block Schedule with Periods 2, 4, 6, and 7. Please visit the OVHS website for more information about this week's bell schedule.
This month we celebrate Women's History Month. Throughout the month of March, we will be recognizing the achievements of women throughout our nation's history.
Attention Seahawk parents, if you know ahead of time that your student will be absent for up to 16 days, please call the attendance office in advance so we can set up an Independent Study contract. Independent Study allows the student to continue to complete their coursework during their time of absence. It also allows the school to continue to collect ADA, average daily attendance, which helps the school continue to fund its programs.
Hey Seahawks, it is always important to do your best and earn passing grades. For every class you take each semester you can earn you 5 credits. You need a total of 220 credits to graduate high school. If you are struggling in any of your classes, please make sure to ask your teacher for help. AVID tutors are also available to help everyday at lunch and online tutoring through is another great resource.
As some of you may heard, we will be implementing a revised Technology Use Policy shortly after we return from Spring Break. Students will not be permitted to use their cell phones or any other technology device during class without their teacher's permission. Students will be required to store their phones and other devices during the entire class period. Students will be permitted to use their devices before school, during the break, at lunch, and after school. I am hopeful this change will help to minimize the needless distraction that these devices create in the classroom.
This past Friday, OVHS experienced a temporary power outage shortly before 2pm. While the outage was a minor interruption at end of our school day, I want to thank all of our students and parents, and staff for remaining calm and waiting for directions for dismal. I am happy to report that power was restored by 3:30pm and normal school operations continued.
That's all for me Seahawks! I hope you have a terrific week! And remember, you can't spell lOVe without OV!
Dr. Rasmussen